Altschaffel, RobertHempel, IvoKeil, OliverSchindler, JosefSzemkus, MartinDittmann, JanaLange, MatthiasWaedt, KarlDing, Yongjian2021-12-142021-12-142021978-3-88579-708-1 paper explores how domain specific modelling can be used to support the identification of potential vulnerabilities and risks in Industrial Automation and Control Systems (IACS) to enhance security by enabling a mitigation of these vulnerabilities. This approach can be used to support already deployed IACS or to include Security-by-Design and Security Defence-in-Depth principles in the planning of future facilities. This paper explores the requirements for such a modelling approach including domain and security specific aspects. Three interlinked aspects of IACS which require different modelling approaches are identified leading to three distinct types of models: Infrastructure, cyber-process, and physical process. These three types are relevant for different attack vectors and to judge the potential impact of any attack. This paper shows examples for these three models and how these models can be used to identify vulnerabilities with the aim to close them.enIndustrial Automation and Control SystemsSecurityModellingStandardsSupporting Security in Industrial Automation and Control Systems using Domain-Specific Modelling10.18420/informatik2021-1531617-5468