Leonhardt, ThiemoEhlenz, MatthiasRöpke, RenéBergner, NadineSchroeder, UlrikPinkwart, NielsKonert, Johannes2019-08-142019-08-142019978-3-88579-691-6https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/24430MTLG is a framework for the creation of animations, simulations and games that focuses on simple operation through multi-touch input, support for didactic implementation and the evaluation of learning data. The framework is completely web-based and therefore system and platform independent. Over several years, prospective computer science teachers and computer science students have used the framework in our e-learning labs and seminars. We have iteratively improved and enhanced the framework and its applications over several use cases in various computer science classes. The framework and all learning applications are available as open educational resources.enframeworksimulationanimationserious gamesteacher trainingcomputer science educationMTLG – Helping students and teachers creating and analysing simulations and games from a didactical and technical perspectiveText/Conference Paper 10.18420/delfi2019_3311617-5468