Holl, PatrickScepankova, ElenaMatthes, FlorianTichy, MatthiasBodden, EricKuhrmann, MarcoWagner, StefanSteghöfer, Jan-Philipp2019-03-292019-03-292018978-3-88579-673-2https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/21169API service providers usually charge their customers based on internally kept usage protocols. The whole process is highly intransparent for consumers because they are dependent on the providers’ honesty. Using smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain to log API usage creates an immutable and trustless single source of truth between consumers and providers. Leveraging the blockchain makes the whole process of API usage logging more transparent and comprehensible.enSmart ContractEthereumBlockchainLoggingAPIUsageSmart Contract based API usage tracking on the Ethereum BlockchainText/Conference Paper1617-5468