Van hamme, TimArgones Rúa, EnriquePreuveneers, DavyJoosen, WouterBrömme, ArslanBusch, ChristophDantcheva, AntitzaRathgeb, ChristianUhl, Andreas2019-06-172019-06-172018978-3-88579-676-4 paper presents a hidden Markov model-Universal background model gait authentication system, which is also incorporated into a template protection based on a fuzzy commitment scheme.We show that with limited enrollment data the HMM-UBM system achieves a very competitive equal error rate of 1% using one sensor. The proposed template protection scheme benefits from eigenfeatures coming from multiple Universal background model systems fused with a novel technique that minimizes the bit error rate for genuine attempts. This allows the protected system to achieve a false rejection rate below 5% with an effective key length of 64 bits.enGait authenticationHMM-UBMprotected templatesGait template protection using HMM-UBMText/Conference Paper1617-5469