Olivero, Lucas FabianAraújo, António Bandeira2022-04-022022-04-022022https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/38579We discuss the design requirements of a software platform for constructing immersive environments through handmade spherical perspective drawings in a performative setting, with concurrent interactive live feed of the spherical drawing’s VR visualization. We investigate current best practices and available software in order to extract functionalities, requirements, improvements, possible integrations and future developments. We map the base requirements of the software from three sources: the state of the art of drawing techniques for spherical perspectives (equirectangular, azimuthal equidistant and cubical), the available software for their practice and the experimentation with novel hybrid artefacts. For the latter, we use a node-based program that allows us to prototype the workflow before entering a pure coding stage. The desired software platform should integrate well within digital art practices, stimulate and facilitate the practice of anamorphic handmade spherical drawings, and expand spherical perspectives’ applications through the emerging media of Hybrid Immersive Models (HIMs).enEquirectangular perspectivespherical perspectivehandmade drawingdigital artVR artDesiderata for a Performative Hybrid Immersive Drawing PlatformText/Journal Article10.1515/icom-2022-00092196-6826