Khorchef, Fares SaadBerrada, IsmailRollet, AntoineCastanet, RichardEichler, GeraldKropf, PeterLechner, UlrikeMeesad, PhayungUnger, Herwig2019-01-112019-01-112010978-3-88579-259-8 the telecommunications field, protocols have to be seriously validated before their startup. Thus, it is necessary to test the conformance of a protocol, but it is also important to test its robustness in presence of unexpected events. This paper proposes a framework to test the robustness of a system. Firstly, we explain how to increase the nominal specification in order to take into account the hazards. Then, we show how to generate test sequences from the increased specification. Finally, we propose a case study on the SSL protocol, using the TGSE tool.enAutomated robustness testing for reactive systems: application to communicating protocolsText/Conference Paper1617-5468