Wittmann, JochenHryniewicz, OlgierdStudzinski, JanRomaniuk, Maciej2019-09-162019-09-162007https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/27598The cooperation project on Hamburgs dynamical geological underground (HADU) intends an integrative view on recent geological subsurface processes in the region of the City of Hamburg. Measurement data resulting from geological georadar methods, geophysical ambient vibrations techniques, and conventional well databases shall be combined to a 3D-underground model. From the geological point of view, such a model will help to understand the georisks caused by the salt diapirs in the underground. The computer science part of the project concentrates on a common data handling, the visualization of the geological data, and the integration of Fuzzy-methods to handle incomplete and uncertain data. In this context, this paper presents the concept for the over-all architecture of the software system developed for the use in the HADU project. Main task for the developers was to bridge the gap between the demands of the projects partners concerning the integration of already existing, highly proprietary software modules on the one hand, and to offer an integrated data handling and analysis in regard to data consistency and reproducibility of the results on the other hand. Focused on this aspect, the paper defines the HADU software architecture and discusses its adequacy and practicability within the project contexts.A Software Architecture for the Cooperation Project HADU: (Hamburg’s Dynamical Geological Underground)Text/Conference Paper