Mazarakis, AthanasiosVoit, Thomas2023-08-242023-08-242023 6th "Gam-R - Gamification Reloaded" series is a regular international workshop on gamification and related topics such as serious games, game-based learning, or games with a purpose, to name a few. Researchers and practitioners are invited to present and discuss new research ideas during the workshop. Experts can then discuss the accepted papers during the workshop. This allows the community to provide feedback to the authors for future projects. Accepted papers will be published in the open-access GI Digital Library and are indexed by Google Scholar and others. We accept submissions on the following topics, although this is not an exhaustive list: * Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) * Open Science and Citizen Science * Augmented (AR), Virtual (VR), and Mixed Reality (MR) * Internet of Things (IoT) * Analog and Hybrid Gamification * Gamification for Individuals with Disabilities * Ethical Aspects of Gamification * Sustainability This list represents emerging gamification application fields. Of course, other topics such as adaptive and personalized gamification, gamification definitions and theories, serious games and game-based learning, and many other topics are welcome. The website for the workshop, including a full Call for Papers, can be found at or LearningGame-Based LearningSerious GamesPervasive Games6th International Workshop "Gam-R – Gamification Reloaded"Text/Workshop Paper10.18420/muc2023-mci-ws08-111