Thoss, OlgaWerner, AndreasKaiser, RobertKroeger, ReinholdReussner, Ralf H.Koziolek, AnneHeinrich, Robert2021-01-272021-01-272021978-3-88579-701-2 living environments are increasingly based on embedded information and communication technology. Generally, users are no technical experts and rely on the correct functioning of the system. Formal verification of a system's functional and non-functional properties is often regarded as the ultimate way to achieve the highest levels of trust as demanded for today's dependable systems. However, static verification, though sound in theory, is often impractical given the ever-increasing complexity of software and the non-deterministic nature of some mechanisms of the underlying hardware architecture. We argue that by supplementing static verification with runtime verification, a high level of trust can be achieved. In this paper, we report on an ongoing effort for tool-supported verification of functional and non-functional properties by combining static and runtime verification techniques.enstatic verificationruntime verificationOS microkernelSPARKWCETAQUASUnified Approach to Static and Runtime Verification10.18420/inf2020_931617-5468