Xiao, BoJödick, FriedrickeBode, ArndtDesel, JörgRathmeyer, SabineWessner, Martin2018-01-252018-01-2520033-88579-366-0https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/15122Learners and tutors in cooperative learning environments need a shared tool for preparing material, taking notes and exchanging thoughts synchronously. To this aim, we developed a Java tool, the Shared Multimedia Notebook, which supports shared user operations on static and time-based media objects. Cooperative tasks are supported by enabling collaborative interaction among users and offering perception of a shared context. Results are stored by object persistency and by exportation to various formats. This provides an integrated way for content creation, manipulation and management inside a cooperative setting.enThe shared multimedia notebook: A Java tool for cooperation in learning environmentsText/Conference Paper1617-5468