Girschick, MartinKühne, ThomasReisig, WolfgangSteimann, Friedrich2019-04-042019-04-042008978-3-88579-221-5 transformation is not only a crucial but also one of the most complicated aspects of model-driven software development (MDSD). An adequate trans- formation language is therefore vital to its successful application. Architecture stratification is a very flexible approach to MDSD, which applies stepwise refinement to model-based system development. In order to support refinement automation, a powerful transformation language is required. This paper presents and evaluates a novel approach to combined graphical and textual model transformation by integrating template based code generation into a graphical model transformation language. It has been implemented in the plugin “Futemplerator” for the CASE tool Fujaba.enIntegrating Template based Code Generation into Graphical Model TransformationText/Conference Paper1617-5468