Sugimura, YukaYasuda, MasayaYamada, ShigefumiAbe, NarishigeShinzaki, TakashiBrömme, ArslanBusch, Christoph2017-07-262017-07-262014978-3-88579-624-4Template protection technology can protect the confidentiality of a biometric template by certain conversion. We focus on the key-binding approach for template protection. This approach generates a secure template (or a conversion template) from joint data of a user's specific key with a user's template, and the key can be correctly extracted from the secure template only when a queried biometric feature is sufficiently close to the original template. While almost all conventional schemes use the error correcting code (ECC) technique, we present a new technique based on lattices to give a new key-binding scheme. Our proposed scheme can provide several requirements (e.g., diversity and revocability) for template protection, which cannot be provided by ECC-based schemes such as the fuzzy commitment and the fuzzy vault.enA biometric key-binding scheme using lattice maskingText/Conference Paper1617-5468