Fuchs-Kittowski, FrankSimroth, StefanHimberger, SebastianFischer, FabianArndt, Hans-KnudKnetsch, GerlindePillmann, Werner2019-09-162019-09-162012https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/25975Mobile Augmented Reality (mAR) is thought of having an enormous economic potential. But the commercial success still depends on the availability of AR content. In this paper a content platform for the efficient realization of AR applications on mobile devices (Smartphones) is described. Requirements for such a mAR content platform are derived based on application fields in flood management. Then, the concept and implementation of an AR content platform are described covering the whole content creation process. Besides, mAR apps in the field of flood management based on this platform are presented.A Content Platform for Smartphone-based Mobile Augmented RealityText/Conference Paper