Camarinopoulos, StephanosKarali, TheodoraHussels, UlrichFretag,UlrikeFuchs-Kittowski, FrankHosenfeld, FriedhelmAbecker, AndreasReineke, Anja2019-11-222019-11-222018 article presents the Eco-Bot research project funded by the EU under Horizon 2020. In the Eco-Bot project, a system is to be developed which will positively influence consumer behaviour in terms of saving electrical energy. The key concept is the use of a chat bot, that based on disaggregated data from smart meters and information on location-related consumption and personal data, will positively influence the consumer behaviour. Over 100 energy efficiency models will be evaluated and over 40 user groups are going to be identified. From these findings new strategies will evolve, how these users can be optimally addressed.deEco-Bot Vorstellung – Chat-Bot für die Beratung von Nutzern zu individuellen EnergieeffizienzmodellenText/Conference Paper