Schroeder, JanHolzner, DanielaBerger, ChristianHoel, Carl-JohanLaine, LeoMagnusson, AndersKnoop, JensZdun, Uwe2017-06-212017-06-212016978-3-88579-646-6Self-driving vehicles are of high interest for academia and industry at the moment. Particularly, in the transportation domain they exhibit a huge potential to increase companies' competitiveness by automating delivery tasks or construction work. This industrial case study reports on the process of developing and evaluating a multi-domain reference architecture concerned with commercial transport mission planning, execution, and tracking for self-driving vehicles. Therefore, internal and external stakeholders as well as development documents were consulted. The resulting reference architecture is evaluated based on its underlying non-functional requirements ensuring early confirmation of compliance with stakeholder needs. A concrete variant of the architecture was also deployed on a Volvo FMX truck and practically evaluated in an exemplary construction site setting. This paper summarizes our work Schroeder et al. [Sc15] published at 2015 ICSE.enDesign and evaluation of a customizable multi-domain reference architecture on top of product lines of self-driving heavy vehicles - an industrial case studyText/Conference Paper1617-5468