Weyers, BenjaminZielasko, DanielPfeiffer, ThiesFunk, MarkusDachselt, RaimundWeber, Gerhard2018-08-182018-08-182018https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/16889In the last decade, Virtual and Augmented Reality (VR/AR) hardware entered the consumer market, which broaden up potential use of VR and AR in everyday context. With everyday context we mean situations, environments or workflows that are part of everyday life. Examples may be the use of VR for data analysis as part of the data analyst’s workflow or the use of AR for supporting spatially dispersed workers in, e.g., maintaining of technical systems. To support research and development in this area of interest, we propose a one-day workshop on VR and AR in Everyday Context (VARECo) bringing together interested researchers and practitioners to discuss current and future work in this research domain. The workshop will be split into two parts: presentation of submitted and reviewed papers as well as an interactive part discussing current and future research topics in the field. The latter will be guided towards a common journal publication as follow-up activity.envirtual realityaugmented realityeveryday contextworkshopVirtual and Augmented Reality in Everyday Context (VARECo)Text/Conference Paper10.18420/muc2018-ws07-0185