Maidou, AnthoulaPolatoglou, Hariton M.Prosser, AlexanderKrimmer, Robert2019-10-162019-10-1620043-88579-376-8 of the basic principles of architecture is that of the relation between function and form. It is a common fact that in most cases form reveals or refers to function. Thus by observing the form of a building one can envisage its function. Although the forms are different in different periods of history for reasons like the use of certain building materials and building methods, the specific socioeconomic conditions and the type of governance, one can find very few exceptions to the rule. The prevailing type of governance today is democracy and we are in a stage of dramatic change in the way people interact, get information and decide what to do concerning governance. This is mainly due to the revolutionary change in the communication, processing, representation and availability of information brought by the tremendous progress in the field of informatics. The representation is not restricted to some material form but it can take also an electronic form, existing in virtual space. Therefore there is great need for an architecture of the virtual space and even more important to establish a relation between form and function in the new environment. In this work we propose some principles and present some virtual space representations appropriate for e-democracy and e-voting.enE-voting and the architecture of virtual spaceText/Conference Paper1617-5468