Reimann, MalteSeifermann, StephanWalter, MaximilianHeinrich, RobertBureš, TomášHnětynka, PetrKelter, Udo2022-11-242022-11-242020 is the foundation for many research projects because of its increasing support for various quality properties. However, the Eclipse-based infrastructure does not always integrate well with other tools, which impedes or makes it tedious to reuse existing analyses. The Palladio tooling does not yet provide a language-agnostic interface that would support such integration scenarios. In this paper, we present the architecture and a prototypical implementation of such an interface based on gRPC and REST.enPalladioEclipseprototypeTowards Language-Agnostic Reuse of Palladio Quality AnalysesText/Conference Paper0720-8928