Stecklina, OliverLangendörfer, PeterHeiß, Hans-UlrichPepper, PeterSchlingloff, HolgerSchneider, Jörg2018-11-272018-11-272011978-88579-286-4 paper gives an overview of security challenges and approaches for Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS). CPSs are systems, e.g. in industrial or medical environments, which connect physical elements to a public accessible network. By using a wireless communication or internet routes physical fences are not longer a sufficient barrier against malicious users or attackers. Classical approaches like IP-based firewall or Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) can not be used one-to-one for this class of networks. The limited resources of sensors and actuators as well as real-time requirements ask for new approaches. Furthermore the approaches must run on the node itself due to its unattended operation. This paper discusses very recent approaches towards security in CPSs.enUbiquitous computing asks for ubiquitous line of defenseText/Conference Paper1617-5468