Reiterer, HaraldHeilig, MathiasRexhausen, Sebastian2017-11-142017-11-1420099-78300-278587 work is a demanding activity caused on the one hand by the increasing complexity of today’s information spaces. On the other hand, knowledge workers are acting correspondingly to an individual creative workflow, which involves multifaceted characteristics like diverse activities, locations, environments and social contexts. Although it is important to find solutions to specific aspects of knowledge work (information-seeking, information-management, media-warehousing, etc.) our design approach – MedioVis 2.0 – tries to support the entire workflow in one coalescing Knowledge Media Workbench, showcased in the context of digital libraries. To achieve this goal, we apply the concept of zoomable user interfaces, different visualization techniques and investigate additional considerations to provide a satisfying user experience.enZoomable User InterfaceUser ExperienceSemantic ZoomingInformation LandscapeInformation VisualizationMedioVis 2.0 - A novel User Interface for Seeking Audio Visual Media LibrariesText/Conference Paper0947-5125