Kayhan, N.Krempien, R.Wannenmacher, M.Vahl, CFWörn, HeinzMühling, JoachimVahl, Christian-FriedrichMeinzer, Hans-Peter2020-01-072020-01-0720013-88579-333-4https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/30807end stage coronary artery disease with linear stenosis of the main vessels despite several coronary interventions (including stent implantation) is a current challenge for surgical treatment. As the long term results are mainly determined by the pathology of the coronary vessels a simple revascularisation with arterial or venous grafts provides no adequate solution of the problem. An exactly controlled 3D-reconstruction of the coronary vessels including selective thrombendateriectomy (TEA) seems to be a new approach that may be limited by early neo-intima-proliferation of the coronary vessels. Intraoperativ brachytherapy may be a tool to inhibit (or control) this process. Scientists of different disciplines have begun to develop a tool, that will provide a surgical solution of this problem, that is embedded in a high-tech enviroment.deRechnergestützte chirurgische Rekonstruktion von Herzkranzgefäßen: Hightech-Lösung für ein klinisches ProblemText/Conference Paper1617-5468