Ariza Nunez, Oscar JavierLubos, PaulSteinicke, FrankDiefenbach, SarahHenze, NielsPielot, Martin2017-11-222017-11-222015978-3-11-044392-9 devices have the capability to offer good solutions in terms of usability and accuracy related to touch feedback on immersive virtual environments (IVEs). However, there are very few affordable devices to perform natural interaction in a 3D space and some do not represent a suited solution for the common ergonomic and stimuli-meaningfulness issues. In this article, we present a wireless haptic ring (HapRing) for spatial interaction, providing vibro-tactile signals as well as vibration cues on a finger-basis using a haptic actuator. Other features include inertial measurement, digital input and support for IR camera-based tracking.3D InteractionHapticsHaptic DeviceHapRingHapRing: A Wearable Haptic Device for 3D InteractionText/Workshop Paper