Lietsch, MariaPreuß, SvenjaBecker, SvenLabudde, DirkKlein, MaikeKrupka, DanielWinter, CorneliaGergeleit, MartinMartin, Ludger2024-10-212024-10-212024978-3-88579-746-32944-7682 study addresses the limits of human and artificial intelligence (AI) in face recognition using a specially designed test, which consists of tasks regarding person identification and lookalike discrimination. It was divided into nine sets of four or five queries each. The assignments, presented in the study, were performed by ten super-recognizers from the Chemnitz police department (Saxony) as well as the AI systems “Face Recognition” and “GhostFaceNet”. The evaluation revealed considerable differences in the results of the individual super-recognizers (SR). Additionally, the comparison between human and artificial intelligence in particular revealed clear limitations of the AI in relation to the tasks set. To further evaluate the super-recognizers and AI systems, additional tests are planned, covering various topics such as the identification of siblings or the recognition of faces aged by AI.enSuper-RecognizerArtificial Intelligence (AI)Face RecognitionGhostFaceNetMan vs. machine: A study comparing super-recognizers and artificial intelligenceText/Conference Paper10.18420/inf2024_291617-54682944-7682