Lucke, CarstenMay, MarkusKratzke, NaneLechner, UlrikeMendling, JanRinderle-Ma, StefanieEsswein, Werner2019-05-312019-05-312009978-3-88579-246-8 paper covers the influence of systemand enterprise architectures on knowledge management in software development projects. The common impact of architectures is researched in the context of six case studies of medium and large sized softwareand system development as well as technical and organizational consultancy companies in the military and non-military domain. Observations are collected in a wide variety of aspects and evaluated on the basis of the Probst et al. knowledge management model [PRR06].enHow do system and enterprise architectures influence knowledge management in software projects? - An explorative study of six software projectsText/Conference Paper1617-5468