Otto, FlorianWich, TobiasHühnlein, TinaPrechtl, MikeHühnlein, DetlefRoßnagel, HeikoWagner, SvenHühnlein, Detlef2019-03-252019-03-252019978-3-88579-687-9 preserve the legal validity and conclusiveness of qualified electronic signatures and qualified electronic seals over long periods of time it is necessary to apply appropriate preservation techniques. The present contribution provides an overview of the corresponding standards for long-term preservation of digital signatures, which are currently developed within ETSI TC ESI and outlines the design of a corresponding reference implementation, which is currently developed within the EU-funded FutureTrust project.enLong-term preservationqualified electronic signaturequalified electronic sealtimestampevidence recordvalidationeIDASTowards a standardised preservation service for qualified electronic signatures and qualified electronic seals1617-5468