Prokosch, ThomasStrickroth, SvenGreubel, AndréStrickroth, SvenStriewe, Michael2023-10-162023-10-162023 Haskell is hard for many students because of its functional nature. What is more, Haskell uses a sophisticated type system that many students find quite confusing in the beginning. Therefore, providing timely feedback regarding correctness and quality for student Haskell solutions is important, a challenge particularly in large courses. Computer-assisted correction of submissions offers a way to help tutors and students alike, but this requires the computer to understand the language. Parsing the student submissions into a syntax tree and analyzing the syntax tree is one possibility, however, this paper describes a more straightforward approach that uses only a Haskell compiler and a few standard tools. Based on a migration of a Haskell course with manual to automatic correction we classified assignment into different categories and describe this approach in detail for each category.enHaskellautomatic evaluatione-assessmentprogramming educationAutomatic Evaluation of Haskell Assignments Using Existing Haskell ToolingText/Conference Paper10.18420/abp2023-3