Angelini, Robin2024-12-172024-12-172024 deaf-led thesis challenges prevailing ideologies surrounding technologies for deaf people within the field of accessible and assistive technologies, advocating for a shift toward a deaf-centered paradigm. Employing Grounded Theory methodology, the study investigates Deaf Tech and the deaf-centered design approach. Through Participatory Speculative design involving deaf participants from three different European countries, the thesis explores their visions of an ideal technological landscape – one that not only focuses on accessibility, but encompasses a broader exploration of technologies tailored to their curiosities. The subsequent participatory interviews reflect the relevance of the deaf community in shaping technology. The findings of this study address the issues within technological research and development for deaf people, bridging the gap in the literature at the intersection of Deaf Studies and Human-Computer Interaction research. Furthermore, the findings offer insights into alternative socio-technical narratives by deaf people and conceptions of Deaf Tech, focusing on identity, cultural, and experiential aspects. Lastly, the work contributes to an open dialogue about the importance of deaf-led and deaf-centered approaches to technology research and development, emphasizing and centering the needs, desires, and experiences of deaf people.enAccessibilityCrip ComputingDeaf PeopleDeaf CommunityParticipatory ResearchSpeculative DesignIdeologiesAlternative Socio-Technical NarrativesDeaf TechDeaf-Centered DesignDeaf tech worth wanting: A participatory speculative investigationText/Dissertation10.34726/hss.2024.117205