Wingerath, WolframGessert, FelixRitter, NorbertGrust, TorstenNaumann, FelixBöhm, AlexanderLehner, WolfgangHärder, TheoRahm, ErhardHeuer, AndreasKlettke, MeikeMeyer, Holger2019-04-112019-04-112019978-3-88579-683-1 real-time databases follow the same collection-based querying semantics as traditional database systems. Targeting interactive workloads, real-time databases do not only deliver a query’s result upon request, but also produce a continuous stream of informational updates thereafter. In theory, building interactive, reactive, or collaborative applications should thus be simple with collection-based real-time queries as they bridge the gap between traditional database queries over static collections and continuous queries over dynamic data streams. In practice, though, building real-time applications is still considered challenging, since most real-time databases today provide only poor scalability, confusing interfaces for real-time data access, and reduced query expressiveness in comparison to their pull-based counterparts. In this demo, we illustrate that scalability, query expressiveness, and simplicity can go hand-in-hand for modern real-time databases. To this end, we present the social media search app Twoogle which is built on top of Baqend’s real-time query API.enReal-Time DatabasesNoSQLScalabilityQuery ExpressivenessReal-Time QueriesPush-Based Data AccessSelf-Maintaining QueriesEvent Stream QueriesSearchTwoogle: Searching Twitter With MongoDB Queries10.18420/btw2019-371617-5468