Clever, NicoHoller, JustusShitkova, MariaBecker, JörgJung, ReinhardReichert, Manfred2018-10-112018-10-112013978-3-88579-616-9 have accepted process modeling as a powerful instrument for business reorganization, requirements specification in software development, knowledge management and other activities. Huge amounts of processes are being modeled in organizations nowadays. However, the re-use of existing process knowledge in order to simplify the modeling process has not yet been thoroughly studied and applied. We propose an auto-suggest component for process modeling tools, which, based on existing process knowledge, “auto-suggests” the process model elements step-by-step, thus saving the modeler time and effort.enTowards Auto-Suggested Process Modeling – Prototypical Development of an Auto-Suggest Component for Process Modeling ToolsText/Conference Paper1617-5468