Iyenghar, PadmaPulvermueller, ElkeWesterkamp, ClemensUelschen, MichaelWuebbelmann, Juergen2023-03-202023-03-202011https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/40966Model Driven Development (MDD) has been slowly superseding traditional ways of developing embedded software in the recent decade. In line with the MDD, debugging Real-Time Embedded Software Systems (RTESS) and visualizing their behavior using models such as UML diagrams is becoming a reality. However, the existing MDD based debugging tools for RTESS are not applicable (require significant source code instrumentation, sophisticated debug interfaces, etc) for memorysize constrained RTESS. To address this, we discuss a modelbased debugging methodology for RTESS which aims at overcoming the aforementioned limitations. Using our approach, the target behavior can be visualized in real-time using UML sequence and timing diagrams. We illustrate our approach with a prototype and examples. Performance metrics such as the target monitor size and the instrumentation overhead are discussed.enModel-based debugging; embedded software systems; Unified Modeling Language (UML); sequence diagram; timing diagram;Model-Based Debugging of Embedded Software SystemsText/Journal Article0720-8928