Cucurull, JordiÁlvaro, AlbertPuiggalí, JordiWimmer, Maria A.Janssen, MarijnMacintosh, AnnScholl, Hans JochenTambouris, Efthimios2018-10-122018-10-122013978-3-88579-615-2 is a European project to foster the eParticipation in European higher education institutions and allow their members to influence the final decision making performed by the institutions' authorities. A framework, composed of the two existing interactive tools Gov2Demoss and Pnyx.eVoting, and a methodology to manage eParticipation initiatives have been created for this purpose. This paper studies the eParticipation obtained in 14 European universities where the framework and methodologies have been applied. The paper also describes the developed project framework, the methodology, the trial, the first preliminary participation results, and analyzes the main conclusions and lessons learned from them.eneParticipationeDemocracymanagamentframeworkdecision makingtrialMyUniversity: E-Participation and Decision Making for Higher EducationText/Conference Paper1617-5468