Medel-González, FrankGarcía-Ávila, LourdesMarx-Gómez, JorgeJohannsen, Vivian KvistJensen, StefanWohlgemuth, VolkerPreist, ChrisEriksson, Elina2019-09-162019-09-162015 sustainability and sustainability management have become a key issues in modern organizations to achieve a more balanced and sustainable development. Nowadays IT supports to environmental and sustainability behaviours in business processes and it is part of the solutions to improve the sustainability performance in organizations. IT-for-Green is a project that proposes a new generation of Corporate Environmental Management Information Systems that allows to incorporate the strategic sustainability integration. The main motivation of this research was fill partially the important gap in relation with one uncover goal of this project the integration with other applications. The paper explores the architectural elements and the possibility to integrate the IT-for-Green project with the System of Sustainability Performance Evaluation using Zend Framework for web services generation, to add some future functionalities to IT-for-Green. A first web service definition and generation was designed.SySPE Solution and IT-for-Green Communication through Web ServicesText/Conference Paper