Nuhn, Helge2021-12-142021-12-142021978-3-88579-708-1 temporary forms of organizing (TO) and artificial intelligence have recently received increased practical and scholarly attention [HW19],[Zh19]. Their combination has not yet been subject of research or research application, nor is there a roadmap to the development of TOspecific AI applications. In relation to permanent organizations, TOs devote more time to organizing, planning, and adapting to change, but supporting organizing as a task is not yet in the scope of AI research. This article creates new links between the domains computer science and organizational theory. It reviews TOs as special vehicles for organizing endeavors, proposes relevant properties, reviews recent AI research advances, and synthesizes challenges for researching into AIassisted organizing in TOs. A table of use cases along with proposed AI methods and required data proposes future research activities and is basis for a call for data sets, data challenges and metrics for assessing AI-assisted organizing, especially in temporary contexts.Temporary organizationsartificial intelligenceorganizingAI-assisted organizinglifecycleOrganizing for temporality and supporting AI systems – a framework for applied AI and organization research10.18420/informatik2021-092A data perspective on organizing temporary organizations combined with recent AI advancements and their potential combination.1617-5468