Serth, SebastianHaarmann, StephanFaber, LukasEibl, MaximilianGaedke, Martin2017-08-282017-08-282017978-3-88579-669-5DBpedia is a community-driven project to extract semantic data fromWikipedia articles. It publishes the results as RDF data in the Linked Open Data Cloud.With DBpedia Live, the community enabled live updates of linked data using the OAI-PMH protocol to receive and process changes on Wikipedia. The MediaWiki foundation discontinued their support for OAI-PMH in March 2016 causing DBpedia Live to no longer receive live updates. In this work, we use RCStream, the new MediaWiki protocol to notify other systems of changes, to re-enable live updates in DBpedia Live. Currently, users need to consume two DBpedia resources to access general information and multimedia files about one entity. On the one hand DBpedia holds the structured information. On the other DBpedia Commons holds most multimedia information. We improve the integration of multimedia data into DBpedia by introducing a new extractor to the DBpedia Extraction Framework that extracts most multimedia data from a Wikipedia page. Additionally, we present two further extractors that link pages in DBpedia with pages in DBpedia Commons and vice versa. All our changes are available in the DBpedia Extraction Framework and in use, e.g. for DBpedia Live.enLinked DataDBpedia LiveDBpedia CommonsWikipediaWikimedia CommonsServing Live Multimedia for the Linked Open Data Cloud10.18420/in2017_2521617-5468