Bertram, VincentManhart, PeterPlotnikov, DimitriRumpe, BernhardSchulze, ChristophWenckstern, Michael VonOberweis, AndreasReussner, Ralf2017-06-212017-06-212016978-3-88579-648-0Functional development of embedded software systems in the automotive industry is mostly done using models consisting of highly adjustable and potentially reusable components. A basic pre-requisite for reuse is structural compatibility of available component versions and variants. Since each vendor in the automotive domain uses its own toolchain with corresponding models, an unified modeling notation is needed. For this reason based on a detailed feature analysis of wellestablished and commonly used modeling languages, a meta-model has been derived that allows checking structural compatibility, even between heterogeneous modeling languages.enInfrastructure to use OCL for runtime structural compatibility checks of simulink modelsText/Conference Paper1617-5468