Sidorenco, VeaceslavCicclici, VladimirDolenco, SergeiDorogan, RichardKnop, Jan VonHaverkamp, Wilhelm2019-11-282019-11-2820023-88579-346-6 implementation of modern heterogeneous networks is widely distributed in geographic space: every network's resource or component is characterized by well-defined logical, functional and spatial position between neighborhoods and background. This paper focuses on the particularities of architecture of national level telecommunications management networks (TMN) and systems (TMS) having control and display functions implemented on the base of proposed geoinformation model of telecommunications systems. Interactive geoinformation system (GIS) incorporated into TMN provides managers with helpful topological information about absolute positions of network elements and serves as an appropriate workbench for the relative positioning of distributed network's resources and displaying their current states, trends, statistics and other useful information.enComplex networks management systems with geoinformation presentation of objects under managementText/Conference Paper1617-5468