Hamborg, ThomasKleffe, JürgenHuson, DanielKohlbacher, OliverLupas, AndreiNieselt, KayZell, Andreas2019-08-122019-08-122006978-3-88579-177-5https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/24213ClustDB is a tool for the identification of perfect matches in large sets of sequences. It is faster and can handle at least 8 times more data than VMATCH, the most memory efficient exact program currently available. Still ClustDB needs about four hours to compare all Human ESTs. We therefore present a distributed and parallel implementation of ClustDB to reduce the execution time. It uses a message-passing library called MPI and runs on distributed workstation clusters with significant runtime savings. MPI-ClustDB is written in ANSI C and freely available on request from the authors.enMPI-ClustDB: A fast string matching strategy utilizing parallel computingText/Conference Paper1617-5468