Zakharchuk, ArtemKovalchuk, SergeyNasonov, DenisCunningham, Douglas W.Hofstedt, PetraMeer, KlausSchmitt, Ingo2017-06-302017-06-302015978-3-88579-640-4The paper presents a dynamic Domain-Specific Language (DSL) which is developed to provide the capability of high-level BigData task descriptions within e-Science applications. The dynamic structure of the DSL supports language structure extension depending on a particular problem domain defining specific requirements, data processing, and aggregation and simulation procedures. The extension is implemented using the set of domain-specific libraries providing integration into the DSL interpretation system. The developed DSL is integrated with cloud computing environment CLAVIRE and DSLs' family used to describe composite application, software packages and resources within this environment. Together with knowledge-based technologies implemented on the basis of this environment (Virtual Simulation Objects - VSO, knowledge-based languages, etc.) the DSL is used to develop and execute workflows within a distributed cloud environment combining computational-intensive tasks with data-intensive MapReduce processing within common semantic space defined by domain knowledge.enDynamic domain-specific language for big data tasks & descriptionText/Conference Paper1617-5468