Liu, ShiToreini, PeymanMaedche, AlexanderMühlhäuser, MaxReuter, ChristianPfleging, BastianKosch, ThomasMatviienko, AndriiGerling, Kathrin|Mayer, SvenHeuten, WilkoDöring, TanjaMüller, FlorianSchmitz, Martin2022-08-312022-08-312022 Reality (MR) has demonstrated its potential in the application field of education. In particular, in contrast to traditional learning, students using MR get the possibility of learning and exploring the content in a self-directed way. Meanwhile, research in learning technology has revealed the significance of supporting learning activities with feedback. Since such feedback is often missing in MR-based learning environments, we propose a solution of using eye-tracking in MR to provide gaze-aware attention feedback to students and evaluate it with potential users in a preliminary user study.enMixed RealityEye-TrackingFeedback for LearningDesigning Gaze-Aware Attention Feedback for Learning in Mixed RealityText/Conference Paper10.1145/3543758.3547565