Kappel, GertiKapsammer, ElisabethKargl, HorstKramler, GerhardReiter, ThomasRetschitzegger, WernerSchwinger, WielandWimmer, ManuelMayr, Heinrich C.Breu, Ruth2019-08-122019-08-1220063-88579-175-7https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/24220The exchange of models among different modeling tools ever more becomes an important prerequisite for effective software development processes. Due to a lack of interoperability, however, it is often difficult to use tools in combination, thus the potential of model-driven software development cannot be fully exploited. This paper proposes ModelCVS, a system which enables tool integration through transparent transformation of models between different tools' modeling languages expressed as MOF-based metamodels. ModelCVS provides versioning capabilities exploiting the rich syntax and semantics of models. Concurrent development is enabled by storing and versioning software artifacts that clients can access by a check-in/check-out mechanism, similar to a traditional CVS server. Semantic technologies in terms of ontologies are used together with a knowledge base to store machine-readable, tool integration relevant information, thus allowing to minimize repetitive effort and partly automate the integration process.enOn models and ontologies - A layered approach for model-based tool integrationText/Conference Paper1617-5468