Günther, OliverAbramowicz, WitoldMaciaszek, Leszek2019-05-152019-05-152007978-3-88579-210-9https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/22351In this invited talk we discuss the challenges associated with composing and pricing web services. We present the results of an online experiment, where subjects were confronted with a variety of choices and decisions relating to web service markets and service composition. Our analysis shows that people expect the price of a composite web service to be lower than the sum of the prices of the elementary services, i.e., users are not willing to pay for aggregation by a third party. To obtain a viable business model for composite web services, non-standard pricing mechanisms, such as auctions and negotiations, possibly supported by electronic agents, have to be taken into consideration. Usage-based pricing schemes, combined with an option to switch to a flat subscription, seem most appropriate to penetrate the developing market for web services. – This is joint work with Frank Leymann and Gerrit Tamm. A full version of this paper will be published shortly in the International Journal of Business Process Integration and Management.enPricing (Composed) Web ServicesText/Conference Paper1617-5468