Conrad, MirkoGoltz, UrsulaMagnor, MarcusAppelrath, Hans-JürgenMatthies, Herbert K.Balke, Wolf-TiloWolf, Lars2018-11-062018-11-062012978-3-88579-602-2 software components are frequently engineered using Model-Based Design. For software that needs to comply with the ISO 26262 standard, OEMs and suppliers look for efficient ways to demonstrate compliance with the software-related requirements of this functional safety standard. To demonstrate process compliance, the objectives and requirements of ISO 26262-6 need to be mapped onto Model-Based Design approaches and tools. Since Model- Based Design projects typically use a tailored version of the ISO 26262 reference phase model for software development, this is not a straightforward task. This paper discusses an artifact-centric compliance demonstration approach intended to streamline ISO 26262 compliance documentation for software developed using Model-Based Design with code generation. Using templates and distinguishing between application-specific and application-agnostic compliance arguments, the approach facilitates partial re-use of the compliance documentation artifacts across Model-Based Design projects using the same or updated tools and processes.enArtifact-centric compliance demonstration for ISO 26262 projects using model-based designText/Conference Paper1617-5468