Gross, AliceBoll, SusanneMaaß, SusanneMalaka, Rainer2017-11-222017-11-222013978-3-486-77855-7 aspects of user experience [UX] play an important part in shaping the overall UX of a product. Accordingly, different phases of UX can be identified, covering UX from a pre-use-phase, over a use-phase to a past-use-phase. Expectations about the interaction with a product are an important indicator for overall UX and are already formed before the actual interaction during the pre-use-phase. This paper tries to shed light on differing effects of the fulfilment and the frustration of these expectations depending on UX phases. An experiment was carried out to investigate how expectations from the preusephase can influence the use- as well as the post-use-phase.enEffects of (frustrated) Expectations on UX Ratings and UX Phasesmensch und computer 2013 - workshopband