Herzog, ChristofHilty, Lorenz M.Gilgen, Paul W.2019-09-162019-09-162001https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/26680The modelling system IeMAX (Instrument for Integrated environmental Modelling and Assessment with Fuzzy Logic Expert Systems) connect partial theories and methodological approaches for an integrated assessment of conflicting landuse pattern. It aims at transfering basic environmental research to practical applications, thus providing valuable theorybased generalised insights into sustainable development as a fundamental topic of environmental research. Two experiments explain how IeMAX works and focus on the three main components: 1. analysing, 2. modelling and 3. assessment of interdisciplinary uncertain knowledge. Furthermore special features and pratical application fields of IeMAX are shown.IeMAX. Das fuzzy logic-gestützte UmweltbewertungssystemText/Conference Paper