Hemmler, Yvonne M.Ifenthaler, DirkMandausch, MartinHenning, Peter A.2023-01-132023-01-132022https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/39917Personalised and adaptive learning environments (PALE) are considered a promising invention for online further education, as they take the different prerequisites and backgrounds of learners into account. However, to what indicators (e.g., prior knowledge, interests) should PALE adapt? We conducted N = 37 interviews with German professionals to develop an empirical model of indicators for supporting PALE in online further education. Future research should build on the indicators identified in our interview study to design PALE for online further education.enpersonalised and adaptive learningonline further educationlearning contextIndicators for supporting personalised and adaptive learning environments in online further education: An interview studyText/Conference Paper10.18420/delfi2022-ws-22