Erb, BenjaminKaufmann, StefanSchlecht, TobiasSchaub, FlorianWeber, MichaelEibl, Maximilian2017-11-222017-11-222011978-3-486-71235-3 goal of the diretto project is the creation of an extensible infrastructure and easy-to-use toolset for distributed on-site media reporting and collaborative event coverage in real-time. It empowers collocated users to participate dynamically in event reporting, and facilitates collaboration with remote users. For example, to cover public events or support disaster relief missions with on-site information. The diretto platform focuses on scalability to support large crowd participation. Our platform currently supports smartphone clients, a reporting solution for SLR cameras, and a rich web application for remote collaborators. diretto is easily extensible and can be tailored to mission-specific requirements.enMobiler JournalismusKollaborationEchtzeitauswertungNutzerbeteiligungSkalierbarkeitdiretto: A Toolkit for Distributed Reporting and CollaborationText/Conference Paper