Riener, AndreasGeisler, Stefanvan Laack, AlexanderFrison, Anna-KatharinaDetjen, HenrikPfleging, BastianDachselt, RaimundWeber, Gerhard2018-08-182018-08-182018https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/16802Automotive user interfaces and automated vehicle technology pose numerous challenges to support all diverse facets of user needs. These range from inexperienced, thrill-seeking, young novice drivers to elderly drivers with a mostly opposite set of preferences together with their natural limitations. To allow assessing the (hedonic) quality of automotive user interfaces and automated driving technology (i. e., UX) already during development, the proposed workshop is dedicated to the quest of finding objective, quantifiable criteria to describe future driving experiences. The workshop is intended for HCI, AutomotiveUI, and “Human Factors” researchers and practitioners as well for designers and developers. In adherence to the conference main topic “Interaktion – Verbindet – Alle”, this workshop calls in particular for contributions in the in the areas of human factors and ergonomics (user acceptance, trust, user experience, driving fun, natural user interfaces, etc.) with focus on hedonic quality and design of user experience to enhance the safety feeling in ADS.enAutomotiveHMIHuman FactorsSafetyUser ExperienceInclusion7th Workshop "Automotive HMI”: Safety meets User Experience (UX)Text/Conference Paper10.18420/muc2018-ws15-0207