Meissner, RoyKastne, MarcusEibl, MaximilianGaedke, Martin2017-08-282017-08-282017978-3-88579-669-5In this paper we present the tool “DockerConverter”, an approach and a software to map a Docker configuration to various matured systems and also to reverse engineer any available Docker image in order to increase the confidence (or trust) into it. We show why a mapping approach is more promising than constructing a Domain Specific Language and why we chose a Docker image instead of the Dockerfile as the source model. Our overall goal is to enable Semantic Web research projects and especially Linked Data enterprise services to be better integrated into enterprise applications and companies.enConfiguration ManagementOrchestrationTrustDockerAnsibleChefPuppetReverse EngineeringDSLA mapping approach for confguration management tools to close the gap between two worlds and to regain trust10.18420/in2017_1861617-5468