Xenakis, AlexandrosMacintosh, AnnKrimmer, Robert2019-10-162019-10-162006978-3-88579-180-5https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/29156In this paper we suggest a generic re-engineering methodology for the organized redesign of the electoral process to an e-electoral process. Based on the hypothesis that the electoral process has been through a "silent" re-engineering phase, we present the process re-engineering concepts which can be used to depict the redesign of the electoral process to an e-electoral process through the use of ICTs. Following we provide a five stage outline of the suggested re-engineering methodology. Finally we discuss the benefits of its implementation and suggest areas for its prospective application.enA generic re-engineering methodology for the organized redesign of the electoral process to an e-electoral processText/Conference Paper1617-5468