Hahn, SebastianProtsenko, MykolaMüller, TiloMeier, MichaelReinhardt, DelphineWendzel, Steffen2017-06-212017-06-212016978-3-88579-650-3The Android platform is known as the market leader for mobile devices, but it also has gained much attention among malware authors in recent years. The widespread of malware, a consequence of its popularity and the design features of the Android ecosystem, constitutes a major security threat currently targeted by the research community. Among all counter methods proposed in previous publications, many rely on machine learning algorithms based on statically extracted attributes from an app. Machine learning, which is also inspired by the developed field of desktop malware detection, has proven to be a promising approach for fighting Android malware. Many publications, however, rely on different data sets for different application attributes, rendering the comparison of them difficult. Furthermore, there exist attribute sets known from the desktop world which have not been ported to Android yet. In this paper, we aim to step towards filling this gap by assessing the effectiveness of the total number of 11 attribute sets, including those never evaluated on Android before, using a consistent data set of 10,000 apps. Our comparative evaluation provides a ranking for the single attribute sets according the detection performance they can reach, and suggests the most effective combination of all attributes.enComparative evaluation of machine learning-based malware detection on android.Text/Conference Paper1617-5468